Our cargo box range consists of three different products: lightly-insulated cargo boxes, FNAs and FRCs.

Our cargo boxes are built on our own chassis and are equipped with the best side doors and functionality on the market. E.g. the Flexi-Track cargo system enables quick and easily-adjustable load securing, which is largely integrated into the design.

Närko offers a wide range of platforms according to customer requirements.

Närko’s chassis are manufactured, surface treated and assembled from start to finish on a modern assembly line according to high quality requirements. We offer a wide range of well-thought-out solutions specially designed for Nordic conditions.

Our timber trailers are built in a range of models and for a variety of purposes, from off road to longer distance freights on paved roads.

The Närko range also includes reliable side-tipping bodyworks and trailers for chip and pellet transport.

Närko is the market leader in Dolly trailers in the Nordic region. We offer a wide selection of Dollies for the Nordic countries. These consist of a lightweight construction with a well-thought-out design at a competitive price. Because of the amount of transportation using modular combinations today, Dolly trailers have become one of Närko’s main products.




Dolly på lager...

Dolly på lager for kjapp levering, ferdig vist SVV og kan leveres på dagen


Meget flott...

Meget flott tralle tilsalgs, godt alternativt til nytt


Built to last,...

Built to last, designed for the journey

På Närko skapar vi lösningar för alla typer av transporter, våra produkter syns kors och tvärs på vägar runt om i Europa.
Här ett par 4-axliga lättisolerade skåpvagnar med helöppningsbar sida, tvilling däck och ställbar dragstång för flexibla körningar.

Närkolla luomme ratkaisuja kaikenlaisiin kuljetuksiin, ja tuotteitamme näkyy teillä ympäri Eurooppaa.
Tässä pari neljäakselista kevyesti eristettyä kaappivaunua, joissa on kokonaan avattava sivu, kaksoisrenkaat ja säädettävä vetopalkki joustaviin ajotarpeisiin.

#Närko #narko #makingtracks #product #OfficeOnWheels #CargoChampion


We are happy to...

We are happy to introduce our new CFO - Ann-Charlotte Grönlund, who has joined #TeamNärko in September

Vi välkomnar Ann-Charlotte "Lotta" Grönlund som ny ekonomichef (Chief Financial Officer) på Närko Group from. den 1.9.

Lotta har tidigare innehaft motsvarande roller på Kalaneuvos, Nordic Trout, Ejendals och Metsä Botnia. Med djup expertis och värdefulla insikter från flera industrier kommer Lotta spela en central roll i koncernens tillväxtstrategi.
” å ä ä. ö å ä ö ”, säger Lotta Grönlund.
" å ä , ö ä!" säger Mikael Louhi, koncernchef för Närko Group.

Käännös suomeksi kommenteissa

#Närko #narko #makingtracks #NewTeamMember #JoiningTheForce #CFO


Det har også...

Det har også denne uken blitt noen leveringer fra oss I Närko.
Først denne uka så var det Lofothau AS som fornyet sin Närko FNA trailer med en ny. Dette er en trailer med løft, sving, masse lys, aluminium felger og mange verktøykasser samt rustfrie plater. Skapet har i høyre vegg en hel aluminium sliteplate på høyre side. Carrier HE 19 Mt.
Vi ønsker gjengen fra "yttersia" til lykke med sin nye Närko trailer.
Vekten er 10650kg


Närko can be seen on all European roads. We work hard on quality, safety and a wide range of solutions. Our customers appreciate that we know our industry. This enables us to design and manufacture the market's best trailers and superstructures for different types of transports. As our trailers and bodyworks for trucks roll out, users get more than spare parts and service - they get a companion.