Our cargo box range consists of three different products: lightly-insulated cargo boxes, FNAs and FRCs.

Our cargo boxes are built on our own chassis and are equipped with the best side doors and functionality on the market. E.g. the Flexi-Track cargo system enables quick and easily-adjustable load securing, which is largely integrated into the design.

Närko offers a wide range of platforms according to customer requirements.

Närko’s chassis are manufactured, surface treated and assembled from start to finish on a modern assembly line according to high quality requirements. We offer a wide range of well-thought-out solutions specially designed for Nordic conditions.

Our timber trailers are built in a range of models and for a variety of purposes, from off road to longer distance freights on paved roads.

The Närko range also includes reliable side-tipping bodyworks and trailers for chip and pellet transport.

Närko is the market leader in Dolly trailers in the Nordic region. We offer a wide selection of Dollies for the Nordic countries. These consist of a lightweight construction with a well-thought-out design at a competitive price. Because of the amount of transportation using modular combinations today, Dolly trailers have become one of Närko’s main products.




For a Future That...

For a Future That Lasts – our quality products take Everybody further.

Vi har som första företag i vår bransch kartlagt vårt totala koldioxidavtryck enligt GHG protokollet och det ligger för fjolåret på 8028,3 tCO2e (Scope 1: 184,3 - Scope 2: 0 - Scope 3: 7844).
Detta är bara början på jobbet, nu följer förbättringsåtgärder med sikte på kolneutralitet – tillsammans kan vi inspirera fler till att minska sin miljöpåverkan!

Olemme alan ensimmäisenä yrityksenä kartoittaneet kokonais-hiilijalanjälkemme GHG-protokollan mukaisesti, viime vuoden lukemamme on 8028,3 tCO2e (Scope 1: 184,3 - Scope 2: 0 - Scope 3: 7844).
Tämä on vasta alkua työlle, seuraavaksi toimenpiteet ja polku kohti hiilineutraliutta – yhdessä inspiroimme yhä useampia pienentämään ympäristövaikutustaan!

#Närko #narko #makingtracks #Sustainability #KestäväKehitys #Miljöansvar #Scope1to3 #GHGprotocol


På lørdag kveld...

På lørdag kveld var E Trans AS og hentet sin første Närko trailer. Traileren er foliert rød med Posten dekor.
Vi takker så mye for handelen.


Vi gratulerer på...

Vi gratulerer på nytt og takker Cobit As for nok en ordre på en Närko FNA trailer. Denne er lik de tidligere bare at den er litt lavere. Carrier HE 19 to temp, bommer, skillevegg, løft, alu felg, stor lysbjelke, bra med kasser og rustfrieplater.
Vekten på herligheten er kun 10320kg


#DrivenByLove ❤ -...

#DrivenByLove ❤ - To all the dads, grandpas and father figures who have taught us that it’s not just the destination - but the journey that counts.

Glad farsdag - Hyvää Isänpäivää - Happy Father’s Day to the original road champions!
Thank You❤

#Närko #narko #makingtracks #TeamNärko #Isänpäivä #Farsdag


Närko can be seen on all European roads. We work hard on quality, safety and a wide range of solutions. Our customers appreciate that we know our industry. This enables us to design and manufacture the market's best trailers and superstructures for different types of transports. As our trailers and bodyworks for trucks roll out, users get more than spare parts and service - they get a companion.